Powerful Content Production Strategy influencers follow [Content Sprout Method]

A tree having many branches sprouting out, depicting different Social media channels and associated symbols.

You might not know what *Content Sprouting* or *Seeding content* is. Most of you really won’t!

Interestingly, YOU ALL experience it every day (and there’s no denying the fact).

Skipping the daylight-saving adjustments, do you ever have more than 24 hours in a day? No, not yet.

However, the number of channels competing for your attention (in the same 24 hours) is increasing by leaps and bounds.

Here’s the thing about social media.

It charms you into using it.

Sooner than you realize, you are an addict of many channels simultaneously.

What has that got to do with Content Sprout Method, anyway?

Here’s the real story content marketers are crafting.

What is the Content Sprout Method?

Marketers play the trick they call Content Sprout Method (or seeding content) to maximize their chances of being seen and heard.

The seed that sprouts all across Digital Media

Symbols depicting different social media channels in a circle. The center of the ring has the word *Help* written and being clicked by a hand.

Here’s how they do this.

Marketers produce a main content (say a blog post, a video, tweet, or whatever) on a topic on any Digital platform. That’s called THE SEED content.

But all their target audiences might not be using that same channel.

So, they create different content (Tweets, Fb/Insta posts, Videos, blogs, Insta/Fb stories) for various social media channels around the same seed content. And they call it Sprouting of the seed content.

What’s next? Pollination!

Eric Siu at Single Grain suggests testing content for its popularity across different platforms. If it performs well, BINGO! Time to reap the harvest of what you seeded.

And how do you do that?

Pollinate your Content.

How exactly?

Well, here’s what he recommends.

An explanation of *Content Pollination* by Eric Sui on Single Grain.

All it takes is creating platform-specific content around the SEED CONTENT to increase the visibility of already-well-performing content (on all your active channels).

How to go about Content Sprout Method?

Let’s assume you are a marketer who is interested in optimizing reach to attain targets.

What should you do?

Neil Patel, amongst other influencers, has given a list of to-dos to reach your goals. For the sake of this article, we’d stay focused on Content Sprout Method (seeding content) he has broken down in steps.

Say, you just made a fantastic addition to your blog section. Well done.

Now what? Let it sit there until it ferments? (Thankfully, it won’t, but the other options could be more painful for you). A better alternative would be directing your energies to share it with the world strategically.

What should you do?

Consider starting with a video for your You-Tube channels that covers the same content as your blog post. That would be a great gift for video lovers who don’t want to go through the long blog posts. (Since there are many ways to go sprouting, you could consider making 2-3 different videos around the same seed topic too.)

Next could be your audio, text, or image posts (one to multiple per channel) on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms around the same seed content. Facebook live could be a great addition to the list too. You could make use of your active Facebook group to reap the benefits of sprouting well.

(If your group is not active or engaged, read the tips to keep it zestful).

You could also consider arranging a webinar and producing a podcast for the same seed content.

Note that your sprouts shouldn’t always necessarily link back to the seed. You could consider linking the sprouts to other sprouting content too (that are directly linked to the seed content).

Creating a short Instagram video about your webinar (that talks about the seed content) could be an example. You could also create a Facebook event for the podcast or a tweet talking about your LinkedIn post (directly linking back to seed content).

So, this is how a single seed could sprout all across the digital media for you.

Note that your choice and sequence of seed and sprouts should be as per what suits you well and resonates with your idea.

Inspiration time-check

If you are interested in digging more, here’s a case study for increasing your traffic using Content Sprout Method by Bastia’n Ernst at Wild audience.

In case you are just getting started with Digital Marketing and Content Marketing, we recommend you get comfortable with the topics first.

What are the benefits of Content Sprouting?

Here are some benefits of using Content Sprout Method.

• Increases the probability of your message to be seen and heard

If they ignored your message or content on first, second, third, even fourth channel, no worries. You can target them on the fifth, sixth, and seventh channel too. The sky’s the limit.

They can’t always escape your content on every platform as long as they need what you produced, and you created it engagingly.

• Increases your traffic, gets you leads that convert

When you post a YouTube video, there is a chance that someone who might be interested in this content doesn’t use YouTube. Posting on Facebook gives you another chunk of targets to attract; posting on LinkedIn adds more to your audience and so on.

So, posting on all the possible platforms increases your reach to prospects and thus gets you more traffic than one platform has the potential to provide. Now that you have more traffic, you have more options for leads and higher conversion probability.

(Bonus: Speaking of traffic, check out our terrific guide to getting your blog traffic increased for free.)

• Reduces the required efforts for the same amount of content

If you have posted on five different platforms using the Content sprout method, congratulations. You have saved yourself the hassle of finding and producing unique and exciting content for five different channels. You already have an idea to work on so, less-work needs are guaranteed.

• Reduces the required time for the same amount of content

Not going through the process of content ideas and production for five different channels is time saved 5X.

After all, Content Sprouting for all the channels against the same seed is not that time consuming if you compare it with creating different content for all the channels.

Go, get more seed-sprouting ideas in your saved time, or have fun with your family.

Here’s the best part.

Content Sprouting yields you the benefits that have comparable emotional value to that of the harvest stage of the season. Pleasing, rewarding, satisfactory. You earned it.

 An eye-catching green field ready for harvest in front of a dark, deep jungle.

(Bonus: Speaking of harvest, check out our guide to Evergreen Marketing.)

Will it work for your business? How?

Like said earlier, you have just 24 hours in a day and a good many online platforms to sneak in to.

So, marketers are not ready to take the risk of skipping prospects. They would like to cover as many platforms as their prospects are using. If other marketers are, why shouldn’t you?

Will Content sprouting work for you? It depends on your business type and audience interests.

If they are available on multiple channels, why aren’t you still there?

If they are not using all of those channels, why waste your time and energies for the platforms that don’t work for you?

You can figure out if Content Sprouting should be your concern (and how many channels should you target) by conducting the basic audience research you are bound to do anyway at your feasibility check stage.

And if you find out you have to go down this road, read out for inspiration how team Single grain is making it work for them.

Understanding Sustainable Competitive Advantage and the Role of Digital Media in Achieving It


Content sprout is the new favorite of top marketers. You should be easily able to spot it as the influencers are creating content for multiple channels to ensure omnipresence of their seed content.

Seeing what the content sprouting is and pondering over the benefits, you should now be able to decide if it is the right method for you to grow your business.

You are up, next

Hit the ground running, NOW.

And hang in there. But, hang on a sec!

There are chances you were not familiar with the term a while back. Have you still been practicing Content Sprouting as a marketer?

Are you planning to follow the Content Sprout method for your business strategically now?

If so, share the platforms that work best for your business in the comments 🙂

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