Niche Marketing – Content Trends in 2020 & Beyond

niche marketing company

Being everyone’s friend is hard, do you agree?

You need to be there for everyone, share everything with everyone, be invested in everyone’s life – it can get messy.

Your business isn’t much different.

You can’t exist to please even a large group of people, let alone EVERYONE.

But there is a solution:

Focusing on satisfying a select group of consumers who are likely to remain your loyal customers and take your brand to the top.

And that is what we call a catering to a niche market.


What is a niche market?

A niche market is a small, specific group of people to whom you are marketing your brand, as well as your products or services.

That sounds like every market, right?

Not at all.

How is it different?

Well, the difference lies in the fact that you are not targeting a wide target audience that can use your product or benefit from your service. Instead, you are choosing to focus on one particular group of people who are likely to make the best use of your brand’s offerings.

A niche market can be identified in a number of ways, ranging from demographic to habits, culture, geographic area, and beyond.

Now let’s come to the real question:

What is niche marketing?

Understanding niche marketing as a beginner

Niche marketing is a strategy that – wait for it – caters to your niche market.

As with any kind of marketing, you are trying to reach your target audience to build and maintain your brand image, sell your products and services, and engage with your consumers in a meaningful way.

But instead of doing that with a really wide target market, you do it with a small, targeted group of people that you know are likely to respond well to your marketing and advertising efforts.

Let’s look at this with an example:

You run a children’s clothing company and, in the past, targeted all parents all across the country.

You then realize that your products cater more to kids in the 0-9 bracket.

Keeping in line with this realization, you focus your marketing efforts on parents of 0-9 year-olds. These were the people that were likely to have responded in the first place anyway.

Let’s take it a step further.

Frozen II has just come out and you have launched a dress series to fulfill every little girl’s dream of being Elsa.

You will now further narrow down your audience to the parents of young girls in, let’s say, the age bracket of 3-9. In doing so, you will provide an instant solution to parents who are tired of hearing “let it go” when they just can’t – until they find the dress!

What are you doing here?

You’re reaching just the people you need to, without wasting any efforts while saving on capital and resources.

This is what makes niche marketing perfect for small businesses who do not have the kind of money big brands can set aside for advertising efforts.

Which brings us to our next question,

Who needs niche marketing?

Well, we just mentioned the first group of businesses that need to invest in niche marketing – small-sized businesses that, understandably, don’t have massive advertising budgets.

But that’s not all.

Niche marketing is the right choice for you if you want to establish your dominance in a particular sphere of influence.

When one thinks, “who is the expert when it comes to car audio solutions?” or “where do I get the best vegan meal options?” you want to be the first name that pops into their mind.

That also helps you stand out as opposed to getting lost in a crowd of businesses doing the exact same thing.

Digital content trends (2020) in niche marketing

Now let’s come to the good stuff.

What are some of the content marketing trends for 2020 that are seeing popularity in niche marketing?

How can you get on top of your game and make the best possible use of the strategy?

You have defined your niche market and you know exactly who you want to reach out to.

But how do you REALLY reach out to your audience?

How do you approach them in a way that they come on board with your brand and the products and services you offer, vowing to never look back?

You use words and related strategies to your advantage.

Whether you want an astounding ROAS (return on ad spend) on your e-commerce store or you just want to establish yourself as the authority in the field, your content marketing efforts need to be up to the mark.

How do you do this?

Let us share with you how.

It’s not as hard as you think!

Identify what your targeted niche market wants from you.

If you have been following our blog for a while now, you will have wrapped your head around the importance of finding out what your audience wants and giving it to them.

With a niche market, this becomes easier and harder.

  • Easier because the audience is so targeted, you have a great idea what they want.
  • Harder because your focus is small and running out of content ideas is a very real threat.

You have the ‘easy’ sorted – let us address the hard.

  • Check out what your competitors are coming up with – that is what the audience is interested in!
  • Always have a list of potential content topics ready to be written. This can by anything from tutorials to hacks to evergreen content and everything in between!

Overwhelmed? Don’t be – we have you covered! We wrote this blog post just for you:

9 content writing topic ideas that will never fail you

  • ASK! Engage with your target market and get first-hand feedback on what they want. You can do this through surveys, social media group discourse, etc.

Learn how to do this in the following blog post:

3 Content Marketing Tips for Drawing Useful Traffic

Produce top-notch, creative content that will attract the audience.

Let’s go back to the Frozen example we gave earlier.

Read these two advertising messages:

“Elsa dress for Sale – buy now.”

“Beat the cold the Elsa way! We’ve got you covered with A FROZEN outfit to stay warm!”

Now answer this: Which of these ads would make you want to click on the CTA button, leading you to a page where you can make the purchase?

The answer is fairly obvious. The second message is clearly the more attractive one.

For a buyer, 57% of the purchase process takes place before they reach a salesperson, according to Gartner. And they can only be led there by unique, creative content.

But that’s not all. You also want your content to be

Stand out with your content.

We previously mentioned that one of the aims for you reaching out to a niche market is so that you can emerge as a specialist in the niche and stand out from the crowd.

You are different from other brands in a unique way and THAT is what you need to sell.

All your content should be drafted keeping this is mind.

You want your audience to SEE that you are the perfect solution for that unique problem they are facing.

Choose the correct platforms to reach the audience.

A young foodie will be much more likely to see Facebook ads for a restaurant than an ad on Gmail (35% of the users on Facebook are below 35 years of age).

A 70-year-old may come across the right denture solution provider on Twitter rather than on Snapchat (the rate at which internet users above the age of 50 in the U.S. use Snapchat is a mere 7%, according to Pew Research Center).

Just producing quirky, fun copy isn’t going to get you anywhere if it doesn’t reach your consumers.

And that is why you have to choose just the correct platform!

Ask yourself the following questions to make the right choice:

  • Who is my niche market?
  • What platforms is my niche market most active on?
  • What content marketing tools and resources can I use to best reach them on these platforms?
  • Can I engage my audience on so and so platform?
  • Will I be able to produce the right kind of content for that platform?
  • What social media trends in 2020 do I absolutely need to follow?

Add to this list of questions and answer them to figure out the best mix of platforms for your purposes.

Here is a short guide to give you some clarity:

How to Choose the Best Social Networks for Your Startup

Cross your fingers and put your content out there.

You won’t get it right the first time.

But a bit of trial and error and you’ll get right back on track.

For example:

Let’s say you’ve launched a beauty business site (your niche market is woman in their 20s).

Now, you run ads with similar copy and other characteristics on Instagram and YouTube.

You find that you get a much better response on Instagram.

While you may have wasted the money you spent on YouTube this time, you have saved time and effort in the future.

And that is what matters.

Learn more about how you can figure out where you stand with analytics and insight a little later on in this blog post.

Boost your content using a multitude of techniques

Hopes of organic reach aren’t always going to cut it.

You may think your content is great enough but the search engine and social media algorithms may think otherwise.

In fact, they may not even come close to picking up your content to show to people.

Two things can be your saving grace in this situation:


Your content has to be perfectly optimized if you want it to reach the right audience in a prompt away. What does this entail?

Well, aside from content, some of the aspects you have to focus on to ensure that your content or page rises in search engine result pages (SERPs) include:

You can read about these elements in more detail here.


More often than not, spending a bit of money to get something in return is inevitable.

The biggest brands do it, even though they are household names.

That should make it pretty evident that it is not an option for you that you can brush aside.

Advertisements allow you to:

Find out all about paid ads here:

What Is Online Paid Advertising? (Plus 6 Things to Know)


Analytics and reporting is a must.

Whether you are pumping out blog content or focusing more on a social media strategy, you need to know how your niche market is responding.

More specifically, you need insight into:

  • What is working and what isn’t
  • Whether your audience is engaging with your brand.
  • What your ROAS is.

This information, among other things, helps you decide how to proceed. In other words, it identifies positives for you to build on and negatives for which you need to take corrective action.

Some analytics tools you can use include Google Analytics, Crazy Egg, Brandwatch, and Hootsuite.

Some of the best web analytics tools of 2019 are mentioned here:

Best Web Analytics Tools

Find a list of great social media analytics tools here:

Top 25 Social Media Analytics Tools: The Definitive Guide

What did you learn?

Whether you want to follow blog trends in 2020 or social media trends in 2020, one thing is for sure:

Targeting your content to a niche market as opposed to a wider audience base will work out in your favor.

Will you follow the leading content marketing trends in 2020 and take our advice when it comes to creating and sharing content for your niche market?

Let us know which of these steps you are most excited about!

And best of luck!


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