Keeping your Facebook Group Engaged and Active [Updated 2019]

keep a group engaged

Did you know that 70% of customer loyalty may have nothing to do with what you are selling? Shocking as it may sound, it’s true.

There are several factors that are of great importance when it comes to keeping your Facebook group active and engaged in terms of customer experience, shared value, and trust. Ultimately, what you are trying to do is ask a mom somewhere to skip buying a pack of diapers and instead buy your product – which she will.

This is known as Purchase on Command.


You are at an advantage because Facebook is a free platform. But ask yourself, how does your interaction with your Facebook group deepen their engagement?

Recent studies reveal what customers want in exchange for their loyalty:

  • 77% want a genuine product
  • 73% want effective customer support
  • 69% want to be recognized by a brand and would stay with it for rewards and loyalty points
  • 64% want shared values with brands
  • 60% need online content from their trusted brands
  • 48% would come back if their first purchase was seamless
  • 41% want personalized contact from brands based on their browsing and purchasing history

The moral of the story is this: while getting new customers is good for business, it pays to be extra vigilant of your existing ones. Loyal customers will buy more than a new shopper.

You may have the best success in driving customers to your landing pages through thorough market research, immaculate ad campaigns, and cross-promotions. But if your client engagement is lacking, so will your revenue.

Read More on “How to Start a Member Facebook Group from Scratch” here.

How to keep a group engaged?

Here is what you need to experience more Facebook group engagement.

Evaluate Your Resources

This area requires you to be the face of your online business, and maintain your social media account.

This process requires technical skills so you will need to be sure that you have the necessary people in place to execute a social media marketing plan before you start. An effective team will manage your business and, more or less, take your new brand to the next level.

If your audience interaction and content is top-shelf in quality, you will, by all means, generate more clicks because you will have built a loyal following of people who trust you as a source that can meet their needs and expectations.

Create a Facebook (Business) Group

The business is in parentheses for a good reason; there is a big difference between a Facebook profile, page, and group when it comes to setting up a social media marketing business.

Facebook Pages can now join Facebook Groups, and they can advertise there. This has been a much-awaited change.

Facebook Group can be members only (don’t want to be too friendly), allowing business advertising and discussions. Your Facebook group can be opened, closed, or secret, which is what you essentially want.

Have a Sizable Group

Neil Patel suggests groups of about 200+ members in your Facebook group. This should be an appropriate number to start you off on the right footing, specifically a Closed Group. This sort of group not only gives you better control over adding new members, but it is also safe and protects your business in case you have disgruntled customers.

Ideally, this group is meant to cast a wide net over specific subject matters with a few of your well-respected peers, as well as give you the opportunity to network.

It more or less keeps the conversations focused, and it is a great way to build stronger relationships with other businesses while allowing you to collect honest feedback on what their customers might like.

Have a Relatable Theme and a Recognizable Picture

Being recognizable is important to get found and ‘liked’ – especially in Facebook Search. You want to pick a profile picture or a company logo for your brand that will be easy for your potential clients to recognize.

You already have a target audience in mind. Having a theme which is relevant to your product that your audience can identify with is important.

Have an Engaging Cover Photo and Descriptive Links

A cover photo takes up the most real estate above the fold on your Facebook Page, so it needs to be attractive. It should ideally be high quality and engaging to your visitors.

Optimize the description of your profile by including links to your relevant website, a blog post, a piece of lead-gen content if you have one.

These are great opportunities for interested customers to get to know your business/ company better, and the descriptions of your profile picture and cover photo are prime real estate to do so.

keep facebook group

Add a Call-to-action Button (CTA)

This CTA button should be relevant to your marketing strategy. You can choose either “Sign Up,” “Shop Now,” “Contact Us,” “Book Now,” “Watch Video,” and customize it with a destination URL of your choosing.

This brilliant feature was launched in 2014. It allows you to add one of seven pre-made call-to-action buttons to your Facebook page’s cover photo or integrate your Facebook cover photo with your CTA button with the aim of driving traffic from your Facebook group to your website.

keep facebook group

Personalize your Welcome and Introduction

Recognizing a new member by name when welcoming them to your Facebook Group and having them introduce themselves to the rest of the group members is a great strategy. It not only lets the newbie feel welcome, but it also gives them a sense of value and commitment to the overall success of the group.

Be Pleasant

Positive emotions are what make customers want to stay with a brand, and you can do this by ensuring that a customer is having a pleasant time on your site.

Live chats, personalized product recommendations, loyalty programs, sharing a sense of mission (environmental protection); all these ensure a positive customer experience.

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