Top 5 Web Analytics Tools for Content Marketers

top content marketers

Insight into everything to do with your website is a must if you want to leave a mark on your consumers, especially as far as your content is concerned.

And the reason is simple.

You need to have clear visibility into the details of your website traffic.

From who is being driven to the website to a trend of their activities while they are there, and what causes them to leave among many other things – you can’t do without this information.

But that’s not all. You need the data to be presented to you in a way that is easy to understand. Only then will you be able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses and build on positives while taking corrective measures where needed.

And that is where the best content marketing analytics tools come into the picture.

Top 5 Web Analytics Tools for Content Marketers

And while there are many platforms you can choose from, we are going to discuss five of the top web analytics tools for content marketers in this blog post.

Let’s get started!

Google Analytics

We’re sure this one comes as no surprise to you.

You may not have had the chance to use it but you have definitely heard of Google Analytics. And no wonder – it is one of the most used Analytics tools out there.

Google Analytics keeps track of the traffic coming to your website and how users interact with it among other things.

Web Analytics Tools for Content Marketers

It also notes the demographics of your users, such as the location from which they are accessing your site, the device they are accessing it on, and their age. This helps you better understand the audience for which you are creating marketing content.

The tool reports all this data to you in the form of insightful information that helps you understand where you stand and facilitates smarter decision-making for the future.

Google Analytics is a free tool that is extremely easy to wrap your head around, making it a good choice for beginners and experts alike.

Crazy Egg

Another very popular analytics tool is Crazy Egg.

You can use this tool, in the creator’s own words to “improve what’s working, fix what isn’t and test new ideas.”

The tool uses snapshots, heatmaps, and recordings to visually display the activity of the users who visit your site. In this way, you can determine the most visited parts of your site, as well as the ones that visitors have trouble navigating.

On top of that, it helps you understand the visitor demographics which, in turn, guides your content marketing strategy.

You also get to make decisions backed by data and make instant changes to your webpages with different aspects of the tool.

All in all, a great all-round solution for your needs, whether you are just starting out or are an established business.


Kissmetrics was founded by someone who understands content marketing better than most – Neil Patel.

How could it not be on this list?

This tool uses user-based analytics to give you a deeper insight into the behavior of your consumers on your site.

On top of that, like the other platforms we have discussed, it allows you to study the customer’s journey on your website, to see how they react to certain elements and the path they follow among other things.

All this data then allows you to improve your content marketing campaigns according to the needs and preferences of your consumers.

And what do you get?

You get a greater number of customers who are engaged with your brand and remain loyal to it against all odds.


Optimizely is another top tool when it comes to web analytics.

The tool encourages you to stop aiming in the dark – instead, you should make use of all the data available to you to make informed decisions regarding your current and future strategies.

It tests your website with regards to content and design elements so that you can get on top of what works and what needs improvement.

Through actionable data, it allows you to optimize your site in a way that promises an enhanced user experience for visitors to your site, ultimately resulting in better returns.

Web Analytics Tools

The best part is, the tool is extremely simple to use, meaning you won’t face any trouble, even if you are just starting out.

All in all, it is a great tool that pairs scientific methods to gather and analyze data for useful insights while also encouraging creativity and innovation.


Data-driven decisions have been the crux of this blog post – every tool we have discussed until now allows you to use data to your advantage as you work on building or improving your website.

This platform is no different. Woopra allows you to track the customer journey from start to finish, leaving out no element.

It tracks and analyzes data, discovers trends, and presents insightful information that helps you determine where to go from your current position.

You get to study user data on an individual level, with the details and actions of every user that visits the site visible. This, for obvious reasons, helps you understand and serve your customers in a better way.

But that’s not all – it allows you to take real-time action and optimize every single touchpoint as far as the customer’s journey through the website is concerned.

Web Analytics

Summing Up…

Have you used any of these tools before? If you haven’t and are on the search for the best web analytics tools in the market, give these tools a try.

They will definitely improve your understanding of the way your users interact with your site. This, in turn, will allow you to reinforce positives and work on areas that could be performing better.

Want to learn about more web analytics tools that will help you enhance your site? Let us know in the comments!


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